How to select the appropriate type of bird feeder?

The perfect bird feeder is easy to construct, maintains its cleanliness, is durable enough to survive winter weather and squirrel activity, and is tight enough to keep seeds dry.

Several stores offer a range of types of wholesale bird feeders with various items to attract the widest variety of birds to your garden. Certain species are more likely than others to use a certain type of feeder.

Feeders on a tray or platform

Birds that consume seeds such as starlings, pigeons, and House Sparrows, as well as native sparrows and grosbeaks, are drawn to feeders with trays. Rain and snow do not provide protection for tray feeders; in addition to allowing seeds to become moist enough to sprout, wet seeds can also promote the spread of germs and fungi. Tray feeders may get easily contaminated with bird droppings. In order to facilitate full drainage, the ideal tray feeders feature a screened bottom as opposed to a solid one; at the very least, tray feeders should have many drainage holes. The bottom must to be detachable for somewhat frequent hosing even with drainage. Give birds in tray feeders just enough seed to finish them every day or two, and shake out the bottom each time you add more seeds.

If a tray feeder isn't designed with a squirrel and chipmunk-proof squirrel baffle on the pole or suspension chain, it's a free pass for them.

Tray feeders near the ground will draw ground-feeding birds (as well as squirrels, deer, raccoons, and other creatures) including juncos, doves, jays, blackbirds, and sparrows. Tray feeders can also be hung or fixed to poles, stumps, or deck railings. Certain variants are equipped with a roof to offer some weather protection.

Feeders, Hopper or "House"

Although the seeds in this type of feeder are reasonably protected from the elements and bird droppings, germs and fungi can grow if the seed within the hopper becomes moist. Most feeder birds, such as finches, jays, cardinals, buntings, grosbeaks, sparrows, chickadees, and titmice, are drawn to hopper feeders; squirrels are also drawn to them. Although hoppers can be very convenient for people, if the seed within is allowed to get wet, it can be deadly for birds. Many hoppers can carry enough seed to last for several days. Tray feeders are easier to clean than most hopper feeders. Hopper feeders can be hung or fixed to a pole. Again, if you'd prefer not to feed them, a squirrel baffle is essential.

Feeders in windows

Suction cups are used to attach tiny plastic feeders to window glass, attracting finches, chickadees, titmice, and sparrows. Window frames are home to platform feeders. They provide us with excellent up-close views of birds, and because of their positioning, they are the safest feeder type in terms of avoiding window crashes. The food in window feeders runs the danger of being dirty since numerous birds perch on the seeds, therefore it's important to change the seed every day and maintain extremely clean feeders. Thankfully, these feeders are the simplest to fill and clean for the majority of window designs.

Five pointers for taking care of your house bird

These days, having birds at home has become a popular pet. To ensure they are properly cared for, however, like other pets, a set of duties and routines must be followed. 

We will thus provide you with some advice in this post on how to properly care for your bird at home.  

The enclosure. How can I pick my bird from the best cage?

It must be a cozy and comfy space within the cage. The inner area must be large enough for it to be able to stretch, flap, and move its wings without coming into contact with the bars. Adding accessories to your bird's cage, such as bars or sticks to hang on is a good idea. You may also include swings, ladders, and chew toys to keep them entertained.

Feeding. What's a good diet to feed my bird?

A crucial component of caring for a bird at home is bird food. You will be promoting comfort and well-being in your house if you provide your bird with a sufficient and well-balanced diet. A diversified, well-balanced diet that includes fats, proteins, carbs, and vitamins is ideal. This is why you may pair fresh, organic fruits and vegetables with seeds and grains.

Ensure that their drinking trough is filled with fresh, clean water each day. Recall to change it every day to keep insects away. 

Tidying. How can I keep my bird's space intact?

It's really clean to be among birds. They enjoy playing with water and taking baths. Furthermore, it's critical to regularly clean and sanitize their cage to prevent the growth of parasites and diseases. Maintaining your friend's health requires good cleanliness.

The setting. How should a perfect place be designed?

The location affects your bird's quality of life as well. The cage should be placed in a peaceful, well-lit area with natural light and views of the outside world. Keep it away from noisy areas like the area next to the TV. Constant noise may be stressful and make it hard to relax. Additionally, we advise against keeping it in the kitchen because the fumes may be unhealthy for your bird. Look for a location away from drafts and very hot or cold weather. Keep away from very dry settings because most birds require a certain amount of humidity.

Typical care. How should the nails and beak be cut?

Several care procedures must be followed to preserve your bird's security and well-being. Your pet's talents will improve if they have a responsible attitude. Initially, conduct a search and select a veterinarian with expertise in treating birds. It is advised that you keep a reliable emergency location in mind. To ensure your bird's health, you will also need to take it to the vet regularly.

They frequently struggle to stay stable and balanced when their nails are too long. Because of this, if your cage lacks a rough bar or stick, you will need to regularly and gently cut their nails. Similar to their nails, birds' beaks have a tendency to grow too long, preventing them from eating as usual. To prevent harm, it is advisable to bring your pet to a licensed veterinarian.

Cleaning products needed to clean your home

To keep our family healthy, the cleanliness of our homes is crucial. To maintain hygiene, we must perform basic cleaning every day, such as washing dishes, sweeping, wiping surfaces, etc. Obviously, these thorough cleanings cannot be done every day.

Cleaning and disinfecting our house is not only a hard and boring task, but it is also necessary to avoid contracting any disease caused by viruses or bacteria on surfaces or in the environment. Cleaning will be easier and more pleasant the more prepared you are and the more cleaning tools you have.

It is important that, before you start cleaning your house, you buy all the necessary utensils and wholesale products. Here are some cleaning products that you should always have in your cleaning cupboard:

  • Cleaner with antibacterial properties

This is ideal for disinfecting and cleaning counters, sinks, floors, and walls. Before cleaning or disinfecting, all surfaces must be free of solids and dust. Do not forget to dilute the appropriate amount with water according to the instructions. To begin cleaning, apply it with a damp cloth or spray it on the surface. The disinfectant cleaner not only kills germs but also gives your environment a pleasant scent.

  • Multipurpose Alcohol

Allows to disinfect in a short time inert surfaces with frequent contact, such as doors, countertops, light switches, and knobs, among others.

  • Disinfecting and degreasing wet wipes

For those surfaces that require cleaning and disinfection, it is a 2-in-1 product, since it eliminates dirt and reduces the load of microorganisms. In addition, it has a pleasant aroma. Due to its degreasing power, it can also be used to remove grease from the kitchen, countertops, etc.

  • Glass cleaner

Essential for removing stains and dirt from all mirrors, glass, windows, cutlery, and all glass objects in your home.

  • Antiscale

Your bathroom needs this cleaning solution as it removes scale from ceramics, toilets, walls, and bathrooms.

  • Furniture polish

Allows you to provide a delicate shine and clean appearance to furniture, adding a touch of beauty.

  • Enzymatic or powder detergent

It is a tactical tool to wash clothes and get rid of perspiration and stains, depending on the presentation you want.

  • Sweeper and dustpan

The ideal equipment to remove and clean dust from your home is a floor wiper. Before applying any type of disinfectant to the floor, you must first wipe the floor to remove all dust and debris. Only then can you apply the disinfectant itself.

  • Mop

No matter if the floor is ceramic or wood, these cleaning utensils allow you to correctly apply the disinfectant you are going to use on it. To avoid fungus or mildew, you should wash it well after use and let it dry.

  • Disinfectant for fruits and vegetables

This is a crucial tool you should use to clean fruits and vegetables before eating them. It helps prevent diseases caused by microbes.

You can be sure that your home will always be clean and disinfected for your and your family's health with the help of these essential cleaning products.

To remove dust, dirt, and germs from frequent use of a space, I advise cleaning it thoroughly every 15 days and doing a basic cleaning every day. Never combine chemicals unless instructed to do so by a qualified person.

Advantages of keeping your home clean

Keeping the house clean is essential for health. Regular cleaning has a wide range of benefits. Your family's emotional and physical health is directly affected by the environment in which you live.

Cleaning regularly can prevent illness, allergies, and respiratory problems. Thorough maintenance and cleaning are even more crucial if you have pets.

Cleaning improves indoor air quality and leaves a pleasant aroma by removing germs, dirt, and dust from the air. Since they are two of the dirtiest rooms in any home, the kitchen and bathroom often require special care.

A clean and tidy home also reduces the chances of tripping and hurting yourself if there are an excessive number of foreign objects lying around.


  • Have a healthy home

Your home should be a comfortable, clean space where you feel safe and secure. By bringing harmony to your life, reducing stress, and thus improving your mental health, cleanliness has almost a therapeutic quality.

  • It promotes sleep

There's nothing like waking up to spotless bedding. People sleep better when their bedroom is tidy and clean, according to research from the National Sleep Foundation. Plus, when you tidy up before bed, your to-do list doesn't include a mountain of cleaning when you wake up.

  • Promotes a healthier way of life

Cleaning the house satisfies two objectives simultaneously: in addition to cleaning the house, it gives you fantastic exercise. Studies have also shown that those who work in clean and tidy environments tend to make wiser food choices.                                

People with cleaner, more organized kitchens may be more likely to create healthier meals at home, since a cluttered, dirty kitchen is no fun to cook in or dine in.

  • It helps you save money

You can save money by keeping your environment clean on a regular basis. Imagine a house full of grime, dirty corners, and bugs. How much would it cost to have it cleaned by a professional? The answer is "a lot more than routinely cleaning it with cleaning products from the store". Even if it only takes a few minutes, making the bed and putting away the laundry can make a big difference in how our day goes.

  • Stimulates and increases productivity

If you have ever cleaned your desk, you are aware of the instant benefits it has on your productivity. According to studies, our physical environment directly affects our emotions, behavior, and productivity at work. Being unable to concentrate due to worry and anxiety from a cluttered or dirty home.